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The Florida Association of Nurse Practitioners (FLANP) and Barkley & Associates, Inc. proudly continue our partnership to provide efficient contact hours, professional faculty, relevant topics, fantastic value, and unparalleled networking. We invite you and your colleagues to join us March 9th and 10th in beautiful Orlando for the FLANP Annual Conference Pharmacology and Skills Update 2019!
Maximum hours. Between mid-day Saturday and mid-day Sunday, we will pack in 10 hours of exceptional continuing education, of which 7.5 contact hours will be pharmacology.
Professional faculty. As with past conferences, we have assimilated an esteemed team to bring you timely, relevant information. Thomas Barkley, Jr., PhD, ACNP-BC, ANP, FAANP will provide a succinct review on what’s new in pharmacology for 2019. Kathy Magdic, DNP, ACNP-BC, FAANP will generate great ideas for maximizing reimbursement in everyone’s practice. Robert Fellin, Pharm D, BCPS, will update on the latest guidelines for prescribing drugs for key pathogens and on the newest trends in complementary/alternative therapies, including cannabis (medical marijuana). In addition, FLANP leadership will deliver legislative updates and facilitate networking to kick off the 2019 legislative season!
Value. Secure the best conference rates ($219 members/$239 non-members registered by September 28, 2018) by maintaining or becoming a member of FLANP and registering early. Rates are prorated over time. The conference venue, Renaissance at Sea World, offers discounted rates for attendees who book early ($169/night, which is excellent for Florida in March). Quantities of discounted rooms are limited.
Great exhibits. Attendees have raved about exhibits at past conferences. We expect a full house of interesting products and engaging representatives. Come learn about new ways to better serve your patients!
We sincerely hope that you will take steps now to join us March 9th & 10th, 2019 in Orlando, Florida. Invest in yourself…take time to learn, refresh, and enjoy time with your peers. As we all know, this is essential to providing the best care possible to our patients.
Click Here to Register for Conference
Seats are limited at this venue, please register now to reserve your seat!